Changing your transmission oil is fairly easy. Probably easier than changing your engine oil. In this article, we’re going to show you how to change your transmission oil on a 240sx s13 with a dual cam KA24DE.
S14 KA and s13 KA(SOHC) use basically the same transmission.
Things you will need:
- Oil pan
- 17mm wrench
- 1/2in breaker bar
- New transmission oil – 75w-90 GL4 (2.4qts)
- Teflon tape
- Torque Wrench (optional, recommended)
- Shop Towels/Paper Towels (optional)
- Whatever you do to lift your 240 to get underneath it
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Estimated time:
Approx. 2 hours.
This is taking into consideration of lifting the vehicle and securing it til getting it back on the ground.
Step 1: Lift the vehicle and secure
This should be pretty standard but we feel it is important enough to include. As we are doing this at a home garage, we have the 240 lifted and secured on 4 jack stands. Be sure to jack and place jack stands on proper points. Below image is of s13 jack points.

Step 2: Open fill hole
Option 1: Located the fill plug on the driver side(left) of transmission, directly perpendicular to the drain plug. OEM fill plug is squared and uses a 17mm wrench.
Option 2: If your fill plug is stuck (like ours was), go remove your shifter.
You want to open your fill hole first so when you drain the old fluid, you have an air inlet so the old oil doesn’t gurgle as it comes out.

Step 3: Drain old oil
Locate drain plug and place oil pan underneath to catch old oil.

Use a 1/2in breaker bar to loosen drain plug. After a couple turns with the breaker bar/ratchet, you should be able to unscrew it by hand. Once off, let all the old oil drain into the oil pan. Should only take a few mins.
Step 4: Plug drain plug
While letting the old oil drain, you can take your old drain plug and just clean it up to remove any dirt or metal debris from the inner magnetic part using a shop towel or paper towel.
Before placing the drain plug back on, put a couple layers of teflon tape on the threads to help it give a better seal. Once all the old fluid is out, get a towel and wipe down the area around the drain hole to remove any dirt and debris. Screw on the drain plug with the teflon tape. Using the torque wrench, torque down the drain plug 25 ft lbs.

We picked up a Moonface drain plug (EDB03G) that we highly recommend. Has a 19mm hex head that will make it a lot easier to remove in the future. If you’re interested in this item, let us know! There’s also a matching fill plug!
Step 5: Add new transmission oil
With your fill hole still open (or your shifter hole), pour in 2.4 quarts of GL-4 75w-90 Transmission Oil. That’s the FSM recommended oil.
We went with AMSOIL Manual Transmission Lube 75w-90

This transmission fluid can be purchased here! Also consider AMSOIL Severe Gear for your diff!
After you pour in 2.4qts of your preferred transmission oil, clean and replace your fill plug with teflon tape, and torque down to 25 ft lbs. (or put your shifter back together). Clean everything up and get your vehicle back on the ground and ready for a test drive!
Hope this helps you! Feel free to comment below with any other suggestions or contact us directly if you need any questions answered. We’re always looking for ways to help out the s-chassis community so if there’s any articles or how-to’s you’d like to see, let us know!